Style special: How to look taller!

Hello dear readers,

I’ve had some requests from readers who ask me about how can they make themselves look a bit taller. I know some of us weren’t ‘blessed’ with the height they wanted but there is no reason to feel blue about it. Here are some style tips that can help you create an illusion that you are a bit taller.

1.Bell bottom jeans – They don’t need to be all the way 70’s style. A little flare at the bottom creates an illusion that you have longer legs, specially when the hem hits the top of your shoes. Keep the jean slim and make sure it fits into your natural waist line and not below.


2. V Necks – A top, blouse or dress with a deep v neck makes it look like you have a longer and leaner torso.


3. Skinny belts – Belts that are chunky, big and full of details don’t really flatter you if you’re short. Try a thin belt that will define your waist and won’t look like its cutting you in half like a large belt would.


4. Short hair- Opt for a shorter hairstyle, it doesn’t need to be a pixie cut. Anything that can show of your shoulders will do. Showing your shoulders makes you look more defined and taller. You can also wear it up, in a top knot for example.


5. Small handbags – I know.. some of us really like our oversized bags that carry everything but.. you should accessorize according to your size. Go for a clutch or a cross body bag as it will elongate your figure.


6.Vertical stripes. This tip is a classic.. it also flatters your figure. Opt for fresher colours and a fitted cut.


7. Pointy shoes – Shoes that are even a little pointy will make your legs look longer, its an illusion that is most welcomed. Also if they are nude shoes, your legs will go all the way and look endless.


8. Go short – if you want to wear a short skirt, dress or shorts..make them really can pull that off like no tall girl can.


Lastly, keep in mind proportions, make sure you know what works best for you and take advantage of it, follow your style and keep experimenting with what makes you smile.



P.S This one is for you my little sis!

Photo credits to Pinterest, I don’t own the images.

14 thoughts on “Style special: How to look taller!

  1. I think these tips are great, never realised that a belt makes such a difference 🙂 Great blog post 🙂

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